Presentations / Seminars

Seminar title and summary Date

Application-level performance benchmarking for serverless applications
In this seminar, Joel from Chalmers will characterize the state of serverless applications, motivate the need for application-level performance benchmarking, and present a technical solution for detailed distributed trace analysis of serverless applications in the context of AWS Lambda (details).

Internal project workshop



Amazon Web Services—Blackberry IVY
BlackBerry IVY is a scalable, cloud-connected software platform that will allow automakers to provide a consistent and secure way to read vehicle sensor data, normalize it, and create actionable insights from that data (details)


From Business Strategy to Design Tactic: Roadmap to design platform ecosystem

In this seminar—a continuation of the April 6 seminarwe present activities done together with managers at Volvo for roadmapping the design of a  platform ecoystem for trucks. (details)


Summer vacation!

Amazon Web Services—Trends in onboard and backend architectures of Connected Vehicle Solutions
In this seminar Amazon Web Services will share an overview of trends around connected vehicles from their perspective (details).

2021-06-07 (updated)

Cybersecurity Considerations for Cloud-integrated Trucks
In this seminar Combitech will outline and discuss the new cybersecurity challenges that arise with a tighter integration between the on-board and off-board systems, as well as approached for meeting those challenges (details).


Towards Platform Ecosystems with Cloud-integrated Trucks
For this seminar, we address the touch point between the business ecosystem and the technical platform by examining platform boundary objects, e.g. APIs and SDKs. (details)


Demonstrator 1, a first proof-of-concept
This talk outlines the first PoC within the TrAF-Cloud project; its functional scope, internal structure and what properties it demonstrated. It further outlines the plans for PoC 2. (details)
